Dear Church Members and Friends
As a church we are immensely proud that we have been able to keep our church open and safe during lockdown whilst many other churches in the area were not open. To ensure the safety of our congregation following the lifting of restrictions, the Church Council held a meeting on 21st July to discuss how we should proceed.
Risk Assessment
The necessity for a risk assessment was agreed and Georgina agreed to update our current risk assessment.
Ventilation of the Church
Our ventilation practise will continue, i.e. All doors left open during services and other activities.
Track and Trace
This will continue by use of the register but the necessity of taking temperatures will cease. To protect the congregation, as a whole, Church members, will be requested not to attend church if they feel unwell i.e. with a sore throat or sniffles.
Social Distancing
Social distancing must continue to be observed. Sanitising before entry into the church and following the one-way system and congregation requested to remain in their seats until the end of service and follow the exit route. The toilets will be open.
Wearing of face coverings
To protect members of the congregation it was agreed that a mask must be worn to enter the church but may be removed once seated.
Singing is allowed but only if wearing a face covering, the officiating minister will request that face masks be put on before each hymn. For those who are exempt from face coverings they are requested not to sing with gusto.
The offertory plate will not be handed around and will be on the table at the back of church.
After service refreshments
Agreed to suspend until safer times.
The current arrangement for Communion services will remain, i.e. bring own bread and pick up wine from back table.
We hope the arrangements that have been set in place will give confidence to those of our congregation wishing to return to Sunday morning worship.
Kindest regards and God bless you.
Church Council