Happy New Year Messages
Happy New Year Happy New Year message from the Pastor Dear Friends Here we are again the start of a new year – 2025. Looking back...

Christmas Message
A moment on that starry night, one star lit the world, pointing to the Light of the World, the One who would open the eyes for all to see.
Holiday Club 2024
What a wonderful week we had for the Holiday Club this year and how lovely the weather was for us. We had 14 children registered and met...

What is Lent? Lent is the period of time leading up to Easter, the 40 days are a time where Christians commemorate the 40 days fasting of...

Autumn Update
We have had a busy few weeks at Blaby Congregational Church with the children's holiday club, several coffee mornings to raise funds for...

Wigston Male Voice Choir in Concert
On Saturday 28th October we are hosting an evening of musical entertainment by the Wigston & District Male Voice Choir. We are looking...

Holiday Club 2023
Each August we run the All Blaby Churches Holiday Club week on behalf of Churches Together in Blaby. It is open to all children in...

He is Risen!
He is Risen! Easter Sunday worship

Easter Services and Message
Services over Easter During Easter we have the following services at our church, and I very much look forward to sharing these with you...

Sunday 5th March - Come Follow Me
Pastor Julie led worship on Sunday morning, her theme was "Come Follow Me and be born again". Those of us in attendance heard that we are...