Come and see us around the Village
There are many ways to get involved with Blaby Congregational Church. As well as our services and groups we are out and about in the community this summer.
We hope you came to spot our Scarecrow during the Blaby Scarecrow Festival from the 23rd-30th June. The Friday Night Club children (and the adult helpers!) had a great time making our scarecrow of Jesus holding the World in his hands and it managed to perch on the roof all week. Although we did not win the competition we enjoyed taking part and we already have ideas for next year.

There are other opportunities to see us before the winter and we would love you to join us at Bouskell Park for our annual picnic with games and Treasure Hunt around Blaby. This will be held on the 2nd September at 11:30 following our Sunday Service (10am-10.45am). Bring your own picnic and we will supply the games, the Treasure Hunt will end at the church for a rest with drinks and cake! More details for this can be found here.

On Saturday 8th September we will be open between 10 am and 4pm as part of Blaby Mind Matters so come and see us. We will have a room open for quiet meditation and prayer and we will also have children's activities and refreshments during the day and serve jacket potatoes and soup at lunch time. More details for this can be found here.
If you enjoy singing then we are hosting a Songs of Praise evening on Sunday 9th September at 6.15pm or if you prefer to listen to others sing then Saturday 6th October we have the Wigston and District Male Voice Choir in concert at 7.30pm - for details of tickets go to our events page