Sunday 25 April 2021 - The Good Shepherd
This Sunday our service will be led by Derrick Tickner and will include Holy Communion. As usual the service is displayed here for those...

What Next? Sunday 18th April
Opening words 1 John 3:1-4 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what...

Have you seen our noticeboards?
We have two noticeboards at the front of the church either side of the doors, these have been empty for many months as we have not held...

The Road to Emmaus - Sunday 11th April
Sunday worship will be led by Mike Furborough, the service he prepared is reproduced here for those who are unable to attend. We will be...

He is Risen - Easter Sunday
Happy Easter! The sun is shining and we were welcomed at church this morning with a wonderful display of yarn bombing on the railings!...