Harvest Weekend
On the Saturday we held a coffee morning with all profits going to the harvest charity. We had a lovely time socialising with members, friends and neighbours of the Church. It was also an opportunity for people to bring their harvest gifts and what a wonderful display we had this year.
On the Sunday morning Pastor Julie led our worship, her service looked at the different colours of God's fruit and the abundance of our harvest. The story of the Sower was used to illustrate what kind of soil our hearts should have.
As it was our Church Anniversary too Julie looked at both Harvest and Thanksgiving, using the following words to talk about both:
H for Honour
A for Abundance
R for Receiving (God gives and we receive from Him)
V for Vine (The Good Vine, staying close to Him we can do anything)
E for Everlasting
S for Seasons
T for Thanksgiving
We then sang a new song which our little choir had learnt with Sue and this went down very well, ‘My heart is filled with thankfulness’.
What a good way to the end this service, being full of thankfulness. Thank you to the choir who supported this new song.
After our Sunday worship the harvest display was taken down with non perishables such as tins, pasta, rice and cereals being donated to the Foodbank. Church worshippers took the fruit and vegetables home in exchange for donations to the harvest charity.
The charity Send A Cow (now renamed to The Ripple Effect) was the recipient of our money, well over £200 will be sent to this worthwhile charity.
Thanks to those who put the staging up, brought the goods and displayed them. Thanks to Julie for leading worship and bringing it all together.
Church Council