Sunday Worship 27th September
Our church service this week is led by Derrick Tickner who was previously Minister at Blaby Baptist Church and so is very well known to...

Harvest Worship Sunday 20th September
Hymn 732 We plough the field and scatter https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccVEjKFkAV4 Opening words: Winter:The winter of the Lord is...

Sunday Worship 13th September
Today we were pleased to welcome Debbie Challoner to Blaby Congregational Church, Debbie is our first visiting preacher since the Covid...

Ride + Stride 2020
Despite Coronavirus restrictions the annual Ride + Stride for Churches and Chapels organised by the Leicestershire Historic Churches...

Sunday Worship 6th September- Lost and Found
Opening words: Matthew 18:11 "I came to seek and save those who are lost" The theme lost and found loosely links with our...