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What is Lent?

Lent is the period of time leading up to Easter, the 40 days are a time where Christians commemorate the 40 days fasting of Jesus in the desert. It is also a period of preparation for Easter where we commemorate the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

Lent acrostic words

Lent starts the day after Shrove Tuesday (also known as Pancake Day). This is the day where historically families used up their sugar, eggs and other nice foods before eating a very plain diet or fasting during Lent.

Now people often decide to "give something up" during Lent - often chocolate, wine or other things they enjoy.

Other Christians spend time praying daily during lent to ask God to help them grow spiritually or for forgiveness.

Lent Timetable

Lent Studies and Services

At the beginning of Lent members of Blaby Congregational Church will attend the Ash Wednesday service at Blaby All Saints Parish Church with other members of Churches Together in Blaby. We will then have four Bible Studies during Lent (instead of the usual one per month). All held on Wednesday evenings, the dates for the Lent studies are 21st February and 28th February then the 13th March and 20th March.

During the week leading up to Easter we will hold a church service on Maundy Thursday which is 28th March.

Lent Lunches

As normal Churches Together will be holding Lent Lunches to raise money for Christian Aid. 

bowl of soup and bread roll for lent lunch

The Lent Lunches will be held on three Saturdays during lent. The first lunch will be at Blaby Congregational Church on Saturday 17th February. This will be followed by lunches at All Saints on the 2nd March and at the Methodist Church on the 16th March. The lunches are simple meals in keeping with the ethos of Lent and the food is donated by the church members so all funds raised go directly to Christian Aid . At each lunch there will be soup with a bread roll - usually a choice of three different flavours, followed by a dessert and tea or coffee.

lenten thoughts poem


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