Christmas events
We have decorated the Church - thank you to Kevin and Michael, found the candles and set a date to make the Christingle oranges so why not join us to celebrate Advent and the Christmas season?
Our Christingle service is on Sunday 16th December at 3.30pm, we hope the young children in our Sparklers Group (under 5's) will dress up and help us to tell a simple Nativity story and any other children who would like to take part will be most welcome.
Each child (and most of the adults) will receive a Christingle orange and find out what it means before all the Christingles are lit and the lights dimmed for a special atmosphere for singing Away in a Manger. I am sure we will enjoy the sweets afterwards - and some will eat the oranges as well!

The Fourth Sunday in Advent is 23rd December - the closest Sunday to Christmas and we have two special services. At 10am our family service will retell the story of the Nativity - we hope with the help of our Friday Night Club children (4-11 years) and the young people of the Church.
At 6.15pm we have our traditional Candlelight Carol Service, a time of quiet reflection with readings and poetry as well as a range of traditional carols.

On Christmas morning we have a short service at 9.30am where we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and enjoy meeting friends and finding out what gifts they received (those that were awake early enough to open their gifts!).
This is a busy time of year but amongst the present buying, the card writing , the putting up of the decorations and the Christmas parties will you make time to celebrate the true reason for Christmas - the birth of Christ?