Coronavirus Update
At the Church service this morning it was announced that all activities for the coming week would go ahead as planned.
These include:
1. The Church AGM meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 17th March which will be held in the Schoolroom.
2. The Lent Study at 7.30pm on Wednesday 18th March which will be held in the Schoolroom.
3. Friday Night Club on Friday between 3.30pm and 6pm.
4. Next Sunday's morning service at 10 am led by Kalev Ots.
Some members of our congregation or the community may be at more risk from the virus than others due to underlying health problems therefore if you do not wish to attend services or events to minimise the risk to yourselves we will understand. If you require assistance please contact one of the Church Council.
We will be closely monitoring Government advice in the coming weeks and if necessary will rearrange planned events. We will keep the website as updated as possible in this situation.